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Classic Wings Edition · Volume 19

Issue 88 ( #5 )

Classic Wings Issue #88
  • Findland's Historic Hurricane - The Conservation
  • Mosquito KA114 - The Long Road
  • New Spit on the Block!
  • Tachikawa Ki-54 Hickory
  • News Extra - Beijing Exhibition
  • This issue features a bumper news section, including a double page report on the new Beijing Air & Space Museum which features some rare gems such as the P-61 Black Widow. Continuing on from our previous issue we complete the in-depth article on the history and conservation of Finland’s historic Hurricane, an aircraft which features some interesting local modifications. Mosquito KA 114 continues to provide a huge buzz around the world and we take a closer look at the history of the airframe and some of the challenges that surrounded this epic project. The ‘Best of British’ continues with the return to flight of a Spitfire in the UK which is accompanied by some lovely air to air photography. Our Mystery Aircraft is one of Imperial Japan’s most accomplished, the Ki-54 Hickory. Aside from an overview of the type’s history and service, we were fortunate to be given an inside look at the recently recovered example in Japan.:: More about this issue »

    Issue 87 ( #4 )

    Classic Wings Issue #87
  • Flying the Mosquito
  • The F3F Reborn
  • Finland's Historic Hurricane
  • Reno Air Race Return!
  • Douglas Dolphin
  • TVAL Latest Completions
  • Airshows
  • No surprises this time around, in that our main feature is the magnificent Mosquito! Dave Phillips puts down his thoughts on the huge privilege of being in the driver's seat and relates the famous Wooden Wonder's handling. This leads into a number of very interesting questions from people around the world put to the team involved with bring this aircraft back to life, which makes for some interesting reading. Staying with the WWII theme, we take a look at a little known, but very historic Hurricane which survives in almost time capsule condition in Finland. This combat veteran is now receiving a facelift. Our two other features focus on aircraft from the interwar period, the robust and reliable amphibian -the Douglas Dolphin, and a tubby biplane fighter. The latter was affectionately known as the Flying Barrel, and through the efforts of a number of people a handful of these F3Fs are flying today. One of these took to the air again recently. The issue rounds out with a quick look at the Mosquito Spectacular and Reno shows. With our usual exciting news items and spectacular photography-this is another issue that you shouldn't miss!:: More about this issue »

    Issue 86 ( #3 )

    Classic Wings Issue #86
  • Anson Action!
  • Arado Ar 196
  • The Silver Bullet - 'Precious Metal'
  • Morane -Saulnier Madness!
  • Airshows
  • There is plenty of diversity in our latest offering, from the foolhardy to the brave! Kazakov became Imperial Russia’s greatest World War One ace, but was lucky to survive a rather bizarre experiment where he used a grappling hook to down and enemy aircraft. His aircraft and this action have been recreated for Omaka’s Aviation Heritage Centre.  Our major feature focuses on the rebirth of the venerable Avro Anson, and the stunning result of Bill and Robyn Reid’s decade long labour of love.  The work horse of the German Navy, the Arado Ar 196 is the focus of our Mystery Aircraft, and we take a look at the few remaining examples. The taming of a beast is described by Thom Richard in an article about flying one of the most powerful and unruly air racers, ‘Precious Metal’ – not for the faint hearted!:: More about this issue »

    Issue 85 ( #2 )

    Classic Wings Issue #85
  • Israeli Air Force Spitfires
  • Black Magic
  • 'Ubitysa' Over Omaka
  • Saiman 202
  • The Last Monosports
  • A Pup Called 'Peggy'
  • Good Vibrations
  • Airshows
  • Spitfires of the Israeli Air Force come under the spotlight this issue, with a look at the survivors and a feature on the stunning all black air worthy example. There is plenty going on at Omaka, with the rebuild of the Yak-3Ua described and the colour scheme of the diminutive Sopwith Pup explained. Al Stix delves into the rebuild of the most ‘snake-bit’ aeroplane he has been involved with - the Monosport, whilst the owner of the only flying BT-13 in Australia describes the restoration and flight characteristics. Rounding out with a look at the Italian SAIMAN 202 and some major air shows, there is plenty for everyone!:: More about this issue »

    Issue 84 ( #1 )

    Classic Wings Issue #84
  • Butcher Bird Downunder
  • Chariot of Fire Pt.2 - Enola Gay
  • Romeo Returns
  • Buying commodities from photographs alone
  • Shavrov SH-2 - Amphibian flying-boat
  • Sky-Tauranga City Air Show
  • The past year has been a time of trouble shooting in order to bring the Omaka based ‘Butcher Bird’ to its current status of a very airworthy, functional WW2 era fighter. That process is described. We round out the mammoth restoration of B-29 ‘Enola Gay’ before describing the rebirth of a lovely Italian pre war biplane in its homeland. Editor Graham Orphan then takes us on a rollercoaster journey featuring a Nieuport and a simple but effective Russian amphibian is described. Tauranga City Air Show takes out the air show coverage.:: More about this issue »

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