Classic Wings Edition · Volume 10
Bf109 Survivors - Final
Precision Aerospace
National Air Tour USA
Lightning On The Sepik
HARS Catalina
Scone Warbirds |
In this final installment of what has panned out to be a year long series, Dave McDonald concludes his exhaustive survey of all known remaining examples of aircraft from the Messerschmitt family.
Boomerang Survivors
The Bosbok Tale
Bf109 Survivors - Part 4
National Air & Space Museum Treasures |
Now that Matthew Denning's stunning Boomerang has made a triumphant return to airworthiness, we thought it a prudent time to detail the history, as well as to outline what the future holds for this stubby little fighter.
Dragon History & Surviving Specimens
The Real Aeroplane Club! Breighton U.K.
Bf109 Survivors - Part 3
Temora National Fly-in & Airshow 2003 |
During the early 1930's regional bus service operator Edward Hillman had established the successful 'Hillman Airways' to offer economical internal flights within Great Britain using the highly efficient DH-83 Fox Moth biplane.
Classic Fighters 2003
The Boomerang Came Back
Bf109 Survivors - Part 2
Lavochkin La-9 |
The event which first made the transformation from growing fly-in to major airshow during Easter 2001, Classic Fighters appeared on the downunder air-show scene as something of a revelation, very different from any other vintage/warbird event held in the Southern hemisphere.
Westland Widgeon "Deliverance of the Duck"
Jets Invade Port Macquarie
Christmas Wings, Omaka
Messerchmitt's Masterpiece
109 Survivors Part 1
Barn Refugees
Auspicious Auster |