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Classic Wings Edition · Volume 7

Issue 30 ( #5 November - December )

Classic Wings Issue #30
  • The Beechcraft Model 17
  • Allison Powered
  • Aviex 2000
  • Bomber in a Barn
  • Mystery Aeroplane
  • Part two of the Story of the Allison V-1710. Following on from our last issue, Daniel Whitney continues his description of the Allison V-1710. This important wartime powerplant played a significant role in the war in the South West Pacific Theatre. With the dramatic growth in the number of Allison powered veterans of that conflict like the P-40 Kittyhawk, P-39 Airacobra and P-38 Lightning now being restored, it is not surprising that there is a high level of renewed interest in the V-1710 series. They are going to be with us for a long time.

    Issue 29 ( #4 September - October )

    Classic Wings Issue #29
  • Twin Beech Ferry Flight
  • Allison Powered
  • Queensland Airshows
  • Pacific Mitchell
  • Ryan Survivors
  • Ryan Flyin
  • Corsair Rescue
  • Geneseo Show, NY
  • The Allison V-1710 engine was a liquid-cooled V-12 engine of considerable importance to the Allied defense and operations in the SW Pacific Theater. In its various models it powered many aircraft used in the Theater, including the Lockheed P-38, Bell P-39/P-400, Curtiss P-40, and North American P-51A Mustang. As with the Rolls Royce "Merlin" liquid-cooled V-12, the V-1710 is more than a single engine model.

    Issue 28 ( #3 July - August )

    Classic Wings Issue #28
  • Warbirds Over Wanaka 2000
  • Restoration of P-39 "41-7215"
  • "MACHO" Moths
  • Farman not Forgotten
  • K for KENTUCKY
  • Having enjoyed many magic Warbirds Over Wanaka events over past years I'd often wonder what would happen if the weather 'turned to custard' over one of these weekends. Well the year 2000 saw the organisers and participants offered the most inclement weather yet experienced. The broken cloud of Friday gave way to thick overcast with some rain on the Saturday, with further cloud and bitter cold on the Sunday.

    Issue 27 ( #2 April - May )

    Classic Wings Issue #27
  • Sole Survivor, P40L 42-10857
  • Downunder Kittyhawk Survivors
  • RAAF Kittyhawk Returns
  • Thunder Alley
  • Point Cook
  • Yarrawonga 2000
  • Here To There And Back Again
  • When, in early 1998, a USAAF 79th Fighter Group Curtiss P-40L Kittyhawk was pulled from the sea near Latina, Italy, little was known of its past. Until that time, the light-weight Merlin engined 'L' model P-40 had in fact been an extinct species in the world of preserved wartime aircraft, making this recovery all the more significant. Now, the full story of P-40L 42-10857 and its pilot Michael Mauritz is told here by Marco Giannitrapani and Dave McDonald with photographs by Alfonso Colla.

    Issue 26 ( #1 January - March )

    Classic Wings Issue #26
  • What is it about Austers?!
  • The Love Machine
  • What about a Ryan?
  • Hurricane!
  • The story of Hurricane P3351
  • Remembering the First Downunder Hurricane
  • P-40N-1 Kittyhawk
  • Elusive American Avian Found
  • South African National Museum of Military History
  • Bankstown Air Spectacular
  • Two young aviators stood on the tarmac at Archerfield Airport, Queensland, Australia, looking skywards and waiting. Each was 22 years of age, each had held his Private Pilot's License for nearly five years, and so naturally enough, each was quite convinced he could have taken out Biggles and the Red Baron in a single pre-breakfast sortie. These guys had spent all their spare cash on aviation pursuits, two decrepit rust-buckets in the car park were proof enough of this. When funds did become available, it was not spent on updating motor vehicles.

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