Knights Of The Sky Exhibition - Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre Dangerous Skies WWII Exhibition - Omaka Aviation Heritage Centre
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Gustav to Fly

IWM Transfer of cool stuff to Duxford

In 2006 at Hirt aerodrome near the Austrian town of Althofen, Michael Rinner built an aircraft workshop and began to build one of Germany's iconic Lufftwaffe fighters using original drawings and reverse engineering of original, but non airworthy parts.

With the fuselage now mostly complete, work is currently focusing on the wing build and a tentative target date for a first flight is the winter of 2013. The fighter carries the 440738, that of a fighter which crashed in late May of 1944 near Melk, Austria, but it is thought that it will wear the colours of a Bf109G-2 of 7./JG52 based on the Russian Front in May 1943.
Read more in Issue 87

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